The aim of the Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft biosphere reserve is to preserve this cultural landscape, developed by humans over the centuries, for future generations through sustainable use in such a way that otters, sea eagles, orchids and many other species can also enjoy a living space here in the future.
To accomplish this, the biosphere reserve administration organises numerous projects every year in the areas of species and environmental protection, environmental education, tourism and village development working in close cooperation with land users, associations and societies, government authorities and other relevant institutions.
Practical applied research and ecosystem monitoring is conducted in biosphere reserves. The aims of biosphere reserve research include development, testing and pilot implementation of new methods for mutually beneficial cohabitation of humans and nature. Thus, biosphere reserves should accommodate interdisciplinary research programmes to develop models for sustainable land use. This also encompasses strategies for conservation of threatened animal and plant species as well as the protection, preservation and development of their living space.